The first radio stations emerged at the beginning of the XX century in Tenerife and in Las Palmas and the novelty rapidly extended to other islands. Such was the influence that these mediums had, that during the Spanish Civil War a strict censure was established.
Nevertheless the radio became an essential companion to people of all ages, almost up to the seventies decade the stations were considered as factories of dreams and a trampoline for many art personalities because together with the radio soaps, the musical programming was extensive.
Not all the programming time of the main radio stations was taken advantage of because they would frequently hook
up to other national stations.
The radio announcers were conscious of the importance of their voices and the message that they were transmitting. During that period it was not allowed to speak Canary Spanish, and some even had to change their pronunciation of the letter C for the letter F.
This magic that cuts through the ether has suffered great transformations up to the digital era, but it will always maintain the magnetic attraction of the immediate and fresh voice that is characteristic of the radio.